Allium sativum

We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic.
Numbers 11:5

Find garlic along with other alliums in the NIV God’s Word for Gardeners Bible near Numbers 11:5 & as part of the Garden Work theme of Cultivating, page a-27 & a-28
"Stop grumbling among yourselves," Jesus answered.
John 6:43
Cultural Information
Type | Edible Annual |
Height | 18 - 24 inches |
Soil | variety of soils, provide good drainage |
Exposure | full sun |
Leaves | medium green, long, monocot, tubular, several emerge from single bulb |
Planting Tips
- easiest planting is from cloves; beware grocery store cloves may be treated to prevent sprouting so purchase from garden suppliers
- leave papery skin on individual cloves and plant about 4 inch spacing
- keep moisture even for uniform bulb formation
- garlic grows about nine months before harvest
- harvest when the majority of leaves have withered dried
- store in a cool, dry place
Garden to Table
- garlic adds a rich, gripping flavor to savory meats and side dishes
- saute pressed garlic in olive oil a few moments to fill the kitchen with beckoning aroma
- roast bulbs in their skins drizzled with olive oil for a smooth, buttery garlic spread and mellowed bite
- grow softneck garlic for braiding and longer storage period
- hardneck garlic have fewer, larger cloves so is more enjoyable to cook with - less papery skin peeling - yet storage time is 2-4 months
More Research
See Blog Posts on GarlicHow are we to bear the complaints of those who themselves are challenged to bear the brunt of opposition? filled instead with the pleasing aroma of the Alliums being baked, broiled, braised...drawing all near to the kitchen.
-from the NIV God's Word for Gardeners Bible
"Stop grumbling among yourselves," Jesus answered.
John 6:43
Photo Credits
© Dleonis | 2011 Some garlice bulbs with tops on the ground
© 2014 Shelley S. Cramm
© 2014 Shelley S. Cramm